(living in ghana)
17 October 2006
I am Kwabana

Every Ghanaian has a name based on the day of the week they were born. There is one male name for each day and one female name for each day. I think this is done all over Ghana, although the names may vary in the north. In my part of Ghana, names like Kofi, Kwesi, Kwame, and Yaw are all male names. So men generally have one of these and a Christian name and they can go by either one (sometimes they use both). Kofi Annan (the UN Secretary General is Ghanaian) means that he was born on a Friday and he is the fourth born in his family (Annan means four).

I was born on a Tuesday (or at least I was for the purpose of my Ghanaian name). I never used a Ghanaian name when I lived with my homestay family, but I quickly got tired of being called obruni or one of its many derivatives. And when I introduced myself as 'Ari,' I was usually either called Harry (little do they know that no American baby has been named Harry since 1953) or Eric (not terrible, but it's not me). I needed to give people a name they understood and could easily remember.

So, shorly after I moved into my town, I only told people in my town my Ghanaian name, Kwabana. The only exception is people at my school, students and teachers. But when I walk on the same few streets I walk on everyday, I get fewer and fewer obrunis and more and more kwabanas (or Mr. Kwabana). I also get called Jesus and Osama bin Laden because of my beard. Jesus, however, is more frequent. I've only heard Osama once or twice.
So I am Kwabana. Please never call me that. I think I'll be pretty sick of it in two years...
Let's Go Mets!
oh man peskoe lots of crazy things have happenned to you in the past 2 months. I can't beleive that ghanians post on a jewish dating sites. That is hysterical. Are there any ghanian dating sites that I can join to even the score?
Are you really going to teach the students all these different topics? I don't get how you are able to read ghanese textbooks. Have you already learned how to read and speak ghanese fluently? Good luck and I hope you win teacher of the year.

Quick and serious question.
Do you ever wake up in your damp wet bedroom with your metled toilet and say what the F$*& was I thinking or do you smile everyday and say I will never experience somkething like this again in my life other than when I do peyote.

ok love your stories
you're the man.
Hi Ari,

Sarah told me about your blog. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures in Ghana, especially since two of my section-mates in business school were from Ghana. Their names were actually Kofi and Kwabana (we called him "Kwabs" for short.) Kofi is actually Kofi Kofour, the president of Ghana's son. I told Kofi that you are "in town." I doubt that you will run into him, but if you do, say hi!

-Rachael Hartman
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