Light Off!
A quick lesson in Ghanaian English: electrical power outages (aka blackouts) are called "light off" in Ghana. This phrase can be used in the following way: 'The Internet cafe is closed because [it is] light off.' In this example, "it is" is optional and is often omitted depending on the preference of the speaker.
This phrase, light off, is really cute when spoken by Ghanaian children. For example, when there was a blackout at my homestay house, my little sisters would yell 'light off.' And it was cute. However, it sounds kind of silly when adults say it. Nonetheless, it's a common phrase these days.
All of Ghana's electrical power is generated through a giant hydroelectric damn on the man made Lake Volta in the eastern part of the country. Although international aid has its many critics, this project, which was either funded by some Europeans or the Japanese (I can't remember) seems like a big success. It continues to power the country in an environmentally friendly way and I've read it normally generates a surplus which is then sold to neighboring countries.
However, apparently it has not rained enough in that part of the country. So there is some sort of power sharing scheme in effect. I don't know the details but the bottom line is that everyone now only has power for 12 hours a day. For me, that meant no power from 6 PM last night to about 6 AM this morning. No worries, I have nothing, other than an overhead light, that would need power. And I kind of like walking through my village in the dark. But, different parts of the country, and even different parts of the same town, are on different schedules. So when the internet cafe was closed yesterday because it was light off, that was not cool. I've been told that this sort of power scheme was last in effect 4 years ago. It lasted for 2 months.
To back up a bit, I have finally moved into my town where I will be spending the next two years (countdown!). Peace Corps volunteers in this country often go on short vacations between the end of training (August 19 for me) and moving into site. These vacations are "unofficial" because they technically violate a policy that I won't go into here. So if I did go on a vacation, it would be pretty foolish of me to write about it on the Internet. Nonetheless, I've heard that a beach on the edge of a jungle is a beautiful site.
Addendum #1: I've heard the Mets are doing pretty well. That's good.
Addendum #2: Thank you Jon/Mike/Dan/etc for your hilarious questions. I'll try to get to those at some point. And thank you for the reminder about toenails. I took care of it this morning. But I am in the process of growing my Peace Corps beard. Not sure how long I'll keep that for.
Addendum #3: Classes start on September 11 here.