(living in ghana)
20 July 2006
Can you all please turn off your air conditioners...
Last night the price of kerosene, diesel and petrol in Ghana jumped by 10 to 20 percent. While the local media wants to blame the government, the reality is that the price of oil is far beyond the control of anyone in Ghana. Developing countries generally get screwed on energy, but luckily all of Ghana's electric power is generated from hydroelectric dams. 
Nonetheless, this will effect me. Once I start teaching, my daily salary will be enough to buy about 1.2 gallons of petro each day. Good thing I don't have a car. But I do cook with kerosene. So that will become more expensive. And I take taxis, buses and tros (imagine a transportation system designed by the criminally insane). So all that will probably become more expensive too. And the cost of energy may generally effect prices, but hopefully you all can try to keep things under control so us Peace Corps volunteers can afford to eat everyday.
In other news, Peace Corps training and homestay continues. Other than language classes, training seems rather useless. Imagine a 40-day seminar by a bunch of bush league management consultants. The information is not always completely garbage, but it just doesn't seem like the best use of anyone's time.
I have gotten into a routine at homestay. It is not as painful as it had been, but I'm looking forward to more independence. Between the Peace Corps schedule of classes and my family doing everything for me around the house (not always a bad thing), my life is fairly controlled. I travel to my permanent site in a week for a visit, so that will be interesting. I have heard very exciting things about my accommodations, but I won't believe it until I see it.
Hi Peskie,
Sorry I'm late. I have a couple questions of my own (p.s. this simmy guy that i don't know is pretty funny. i'd like to meet him. i'll have to ask mike since you're in asia.)

1) Do you have a sign posted in your room that reads "You're not going crazy, you just moved to Ghana for two years"?

2) Has clement opened up to you yet? I think he's my favorite.

3) What sports do they play there besides dirt soccer (standard in finlandian colonies like ghana)? From the pictures, it's obvious to me that a) you'll soon be using the epoxy; b) basically, in terms of bumping into rick at a spot, it may basically happen in terms of any day now, basically; c) wiffle ball would be a MONUMENTAL introduction into ghaninian culture. i think you'd instantly be appointed into the chieftaincy of the republic. if you want me to ship you some skinny yellows and some balls, you got it.

3a) do you get SNY there? the mets are playing super well. they hit grand slams like they're going out of style. (they're not)

4) if you dug a hole all the way into the ghana ground, where would you end up? california?

5) when you are done pooping, what happens to the poop? (this is an offshoot of my original question which was which way does the toilet flush, clockwise or counterclockwise?)

6) do they have pineapple soda? me and jp liked apples this weekend. make the connection p.

7) are there mean people in ghana like rwanda? are you ever scared?

8) it is super cool that you were in a taxi with a goat.

9) do you think you will ever meet your father?

10) can i get some odds on you getting biblically familiar with some natives?

i love you.
stay safe and have fun.
but most of all, what's a "bucket bath"
Peskoe happy birthday man.

Did you celebrate in style with lots of yams and tomatoes?

Are there any jacuzzis in ghana? I think I heard that there was one there. look it up.
how much does it cost to buy ghana?

I lost electicity here in NYC did you lose your power too?

Also along with dan's thought, try to build a basketball hoop. You'd be the best player in ghana for a short period of time and possibly make their olympic team if you get hot.

For real how old is the oldest person in ghana?

ok enough stupid questions. Sound pretty amazing over there.

When do you start teaching?

you're the man

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